Congratulations to Obama in US Black History Month


To The Hon Barack Obama, US Senator (Dem. Illinois)
Candidate for President of the United States of America 2008

On behalf of Well-wishers in Britain and Europe


We, the undersigned, congratulate you on your brave and history-making candidacy for the US presidency 2008.

Your ideals have deep historical roots in the Age of Liberating Revolutions that signalled the end of the “Old Rule”. Chief among them are, as you will agree, the democratic American Revolution of 1776, France’s Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1789, and the successful Haitian Revolution of enslaved Africans in the Western Hemisphere (1791-1804).

If resistance to entrenched power is the watchword of your platform for America’s future, then please accept best wishes from the progressive forces here, including people of African Caribbean, Muslim and Asian heritages. We recognise a similar need in Britain and Europe, as well as America, for equality and justice not exclusion in spheres of life conducive to improved living and harmonious social, racial and religious relations.

If your candidacy is to initiate a new era in international affairs, then we urge you to employ your leadership and diplomatic skills in strategic areas of mutual concern, such as world migration policies that are not against migrants, trade and aid agreements that support sustainable development, and foreign policies that promote peace and humanitarian purposes, not war.

Moreover, there is a desperate need to add your sense of moral purpose, political commitment and vision to popular demands for democracy and freedom and the reconstruction of fraternal relations with Afro-Asian, Latin American and Caribbean peoples.

Furthermore, we believe that your historic bid for the American presidency embodies the need for unity and change in the scope of national policies on both sides of the Atlantic. Your call for beneficial change across America “From Sea to Shining Sea” resonates on these shores from the privileged halls of national Parliaments to the deprived, but aspiring, common people and multi-cultural districts of of Britain and Europe.

Signed on behalf of the supporters of this letter, by

Thomas L Blair, Professor of Sociology
Editor and Publisher of the Chronicleworld

For Signatories to be officially counted and recorded, please give a few simple details in the Reply Box.  First say “I agree to Obama Congratulations Letter”; then give your signed name, e-mail address, and describe your occupation, affiliation, organisation or institution (For Identification Purposes Only).

  1. For information, the letter was written following lengthy discussions and published February 14th 2008, during the US Black History Month, in The Chronicleworld Weblog — For Creative renewal of Black Britain & the African Diaspora
  2. Founded in November 1997, the is the oldest independent, social issue, non-profit online journal in Britain and Afro-Europe. 

One thought on “Congratulations to Obama in US Black History Month

  1. Dear Thom, I wholeheartedly agree,
    It is heroic of you to place on the record your observations and expectations of the likely task Obama faces in his role for the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth. Already he has broken the barriers of race, colour, and age and for the first time in decades he has united voices across the world in real “hope” for significant change.

    Winning is just the beginning and, for someone like him, expectations are far higher than just gaining the Presidency of the USA. He has a bigger job ahead to undo the wrong done by others and rebuild other nations who are in peril; Britain is by no means out of this equation.
    Thanks for affording us the space to review and voice our thoughts.

    Best wishes

    Alex Pascall
    Former Chair, the Black Members Council, National Union of Journalists, Britain
    Producer with the family Pascall of a reflection on Obama’s dream, “Give Time a Change is Coming”

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